Reverse Osmosis Under Sink Filtration Systems – EcoPure Video Transcript
Audio: Hello, I’m excited to talk to you about all the reasons why you should buy an EcoPure Under Sink Water Filtration System. The need for clean water is so important for any home whether it’s for drinking, bathing, or cooking and one of the best ways to get high-quality water,
Visual: Woman talking about EcoPure Under Sink Water Filtration System
Audio: is with EcoPure’s full line of innovative water softeners, filtration systems, and filters. Today,
Visual: Image of EcoPure’s line of water softener products lined in a row with a white background
Audio: I’m here to talk about EcoPure’s Under Sink Water Filtration Systems.
Visual: Zoomed in image of EcoPure’s Under Water Filtration Systems
Audio: You may think your water looks, tastes, and smells fine but undetected harmful contaminants may be present. They can enter your water between the city supply in your home.
Visual: Woman talking with a white background
Audio: One of those contaminants is chlorine which can leave an unpleasant taste and odor. It’s commonly used in municipalities to kill other potential contaminants in your water supply.
Visual: Navy background with a circle icon of a filled glass with the title “Chlorine: Taste and Odor” under it
Audio: Lead is another potential concern that’s received a great deal of media exposure as it’s been found in homes, municipal systems, and even schools.
Visual: Navy background with a circle icon of a pipe with the title “Lead” under it
Audio: And other harmful contaminants that can be found in your water include: chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and bacteria.
Visual: Navy background with three circle icons. The first is of a beaker with the title “Chemicals,” the second is of a bottle with the letters “RX” and the title “Pharmaceuticals” and the third is of small bacteria with the title “Bacteria and Viruses” underneath
Audio: I know all this talk about contaminants may sound scary but you don’t have to worry. EcoPure can remove more unwanted contaminants than other products including pitcher filters, refrigerator filters, and closet mount filters.
Visual: Image of a graph comparing the different levels of filtration to the type of contaminants that you are protected from when using the different filters. Graph shows that EcoPure’s filter protects you from all contaminants.
Audio: Not only do EcoPure systems remove more contaminants but they’re also less money per gallon compared to other systems. Sure you can just use bottled water as an option for your drinking water
Visual: Image of a graph comparing the cost per gallon of filtration systems. Graph shows that EcoPure’s filter is the cheapest at 8 cents per gallon.
Audio: but talk about a hassle. You have to haul it around and disposing the bottles is bad for the environment. Plus it can actually cost you more than owning your own system
Visual: Woman talking on the right side and blue bar on the left side showing a cost comparison of 8 cents per gallon when using an EcoPure filter versus 94 centers per gallon when using bottled water.
Audio: and EcoPure’s Reverse Osmosis System uses the same process that major bottled water companies use. You can get bottled water quality right at your kitchen sink at a fraction of the price.
Visual: Woman speaking on the right side standing next to an EcoPure Under Sink Water Filtration System
Audio: As you can see, water filtration systems can be a great value but not all systems are equal. Many products out there come with
Visual: Side by side image of an EcoPure Water Filtration system and a competitive system
Audio: five, six, or even seven filters in their system and they claim that this is an advantage. But that doesn’t mean that many filters will increase your water quality,
Visual: Enlarged image of competitive water filtration system with a blue “X” above the image
Audio: it just means that it will cost you more and you’ll need to buy more filters, plain and simple.
Visual: Enlarged image of competitive water filtration system with a blue “X” above the image on right side of frame and a blue bar listing “more expensive and more filters to buy” on the left side of the frame
Audio: Good thing EcoPure uses only the number of filters necessary to get the job done.
Visual: Enlarged image of EcoPure Water Filtration System with a blue checkmark above the image
Audio: That’s just another example of how EcoPure is constantly offering you better solutions for your water. Have I mentioned how easy it is to change the filters?
Visual: Woman speaking on right side of frame and standing next to an EcoPure Water Filtration System on left side of screen
Audio: EcoPure systems offer encased filters making replacement very easy. It’s not like competitive models where you have to touch gross, dirty filters, yuck. And with
Visual: Woman unscrewing one water filter from the system on the right side with a blue bar containing information regarding changing the filters on the left side
Audio: EcoPure systems, there’s no need to turn off your water supply, there’s a built-in shutoff mechanism.
Visual: Woman speaking on right side of frame and standing next to an EcoPure Water Filtration System on left side of screen
Audio: If you’re at all like me, remembering when to change the filters is tough. With EcoPure, you don’t have to worry about that.
Visual: Enlarged image of the EcoPure Water Filtration System
Audio: There’s a reminder light that will notify you when they need to be changed
Visual: Image of reminder light on filtration system with a finger pointing to it
Audio: and you can sign up for filter reminders via email and text, talk about convenient. EcoPure advises you to change your filter as recommended,
Visual: Zoomed In image of the Reverse Osmosis Undersink filters
Audio: follow that recommendation for the best quality water possible for you and your family.
Visual: Enlarged image of the EcoPure Water Filtration System
Audio: When you choose an EcoPure Under Sink Water Filtration System and filters, you’re providing your family with cleaner, safer water. Plus, EcoPure has a staff of trained water treatment experts with over 150 years of experience, that’s a whole lot of experience.
Visual: Woman speaking on right side of frame and standing next to an EcoPure Water Filtration System on left side of screen
Audio: At the end of the day, EcoPure saves you on time and money so what are you waiting for, go out and get yours today. You can find EcoPure systems and filters online at these retailers.
Visual: White screen with EcoPure logo along with logos to Amazon, Home Depot, and Walmart